

  • 빌드: $ make LLAMA_CUBLAS=1
  • Convert: $ python /models/42dot_LLM-SFT-1.3B-gguf/ --vocab-type bpe
    • $ python /models/gemma-7b/
  • 모두 float16으로 실험


$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 ./perplexity -m /models/42dot_LLM-PLM-1.3B/ggml-model-f16.gguf -f wiki.test.raw

added_token.json과 vocab.json을 맞추고 --vocab-type bpe로 변환했다. 지정하지 않을 경우 Core dumped 오류가 발생하므로 주의

  • wiki.test.raw #569 ETA 10.37 min
    • Final estimate: PPL = 12.7406 +/- 0.09403
    • #142 Perplexity: tensor(9.5208, device=’cuda:0’)1
  • ai-book.raw(한글, 1-5장) #118 ETA 1.87 min
    • Final estimate: PPL = 11.1382 +/- 0.16895
    • #30 Perplexity: tensor(9.1947, device=’cuda:0’)
      • bfloat16: Perplexity: tensor(9.1999, device=’cuda:0’)
      • float32(많이 느림): Perplexity: tensor(9.1944, device=’cuda:0’)
        f = open("./ai-book.raw")
        lines = f.readlines()


$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 ./perplexity -m /models/42dot_LLM-SFT-1.3B-gguf/ggml-model-F16.gguf -f wiki.test.raw
  • wiki.test.raw #569 ETA 6.42 min
    • Final estimate: PPL = 13.2594 +/- 0.09938
    • #142 Perplexity: tensor(10.3943, device=’cuda:0’)
  • ai-book.raw #118 ETA 1.75 min
    • Final estimate: PPL = 12.6709 +/- 0.20299
    • #30 Perplexity: tensor(10.2340, device=’cuda:0’)


$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 ./perplexity -m /models/Llama-2-7b-gguf/ggml-model-f16.gguf -f wiki.test.raw
  • wiki.test.raw #655 ETA 28.80 min
    • Final estimate: PPL = 5.7984 +/- 0.03236
    • #164 Perplexity: tensor(4.9073, device=’cuda:0’)
  • ai-book.raw #371 ETA 15.38 min
    • Final estimate: PPL = 2.7178 +/- 0.01404
    • #94 Perplexity: tensor(2.4290, device=’cuda:0’)


$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 ./perplexity -m /models/Llama-2-7b-chat-gguf/ggml-model-f16.gguf -f wiki.test.raw
  • wiki.test.raw #655 ETA 26.85 min
    • Final estimate: PPL = 7.6338 +/- 0.05164
    • #164 Perplexity: tensor(6.2608, device=’cuda:0’)
  • ai-book.raw #371 ETA 15.82 min
    • Final estimate: PPL = 3.9855 +/- 0.03160
    • #94 Perplexity: tensor(3.4516, device=’cuda:0’)


$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 ./perplexity -m /models/gemma-7b/ggml-model-f16.gguf -f wiki.test.raw
  • wiki.test.raw #569 ETA 25.75 min
    • Final estimate: PPL = 7.8009 +/- 0.05042
    • #142 Perplexity: tensor(5.9794, device=’cuda:0’)
  • ai-book.raw #172 ETA 8.85 min
    • Final estimate: PPL = 6.5314 +/- 0.07056
    • #44 Perplexity: tensor(5.2072, device=’cuda:0’)


$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 ./perplexity -m /models/gemma-7b-it/ggml-model-f16.gguf -f wiki.test.raw
  • wiki.test.raw #569 ETA 18.68 min
    • Final estimate: PPL = 28.2536 +/- 0.31980
    • #142 Perplexity: tensor(18.9067, device=’cuda:0’)
  • ai-book.raw #172 ETA 7.42 min
    • Final estimate: PPL = 48.1784 +/- 1.16831
    • #44 Perplexity: tensor(31.1553, device=’cuda:0’)


$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 ./perplexity -m /models/gemma-ko-7b/ggml-model-f32.gguf -f wiki.test.raw

float16에서는 nan으로 모델 평가가 진행되지 않는다(underflow?). gguf에서는 float32, hf에서는 bfloat16으로 진행

  • wiki.test.raw #569 ETA 30.58 min
    • Final estimate: PPL = 10.1615 +/- 0.06924
    • #142 Perplexity: tensor(8.5561, device=’cuda:0’)
  • ai-book.raw #172 ETA 12.13 min
    • Final estimate: PPL = 4.7414 +/- 0.04712
    • #44 Perplexity: tensor(4.1694, device=’cuda:0’)

Llama 7B ppl

Type size ppl
Llama 7B F32 25.10 GiB 7.4924
Llama 7B F16 12.55 GiB 7.4924
Llama 7B Q8_0 6.67 GiB 7.4933
Llama 7B Q6_K 5.15 GiB 7.4950
Llama 7B Q5_1 4.72 GiB 7.5084
Llama 7B Q5_K_M 4.45 GiB 7.5099
Llama 7B Q5_K_S 4.33 GiB 7.5180
Llama 7B Q4_1 3.95 GiB 7.5913
Llama 7B Q4_K_M 3.80 GiB 7.5692
Llama 7B Q4_K_S 3.59 GiB 7.6066
Llama 7B Q4_0 3.57 GiB 7.6261
Llama 7B IQ4_NL 3.56 GiB 7.5392
Llama 7B IQ4_XS 3.37 GiB 7.5231
Llama 7B Q3_K_L 3.35 GiB 7.6491
Llama 7B Q3_K_M 3.07 GiB 7.6854
Llama 7B IQ3_M 2.90 GiB 7.7695
Llama 7B IQ3_S 2.75 GiB 7.7904
Llama 7B Q3_K_S 2.75 GiB 8.0321
Llama 7B IQ3_XS 2.60 GiB 7.8787
Llama 7B IQ3_XXS 2.41 GiB 8.2039
Llama 7B Q2_K_M 2.36 GiB 8.6501
Llama 7B IQ2_M 2.20 GiB 8.6002
Llama 7B Q2_K_S 2.16 GiB 9.1756
Llama 7B IQ2_S 2.05 GiB 9.1459
Llama 7B IQ2_XS 1.89 GiB 9.7873
Llama 7B IQ2_XXS 1.73 GiB 11.0326
Llama 7B IQ1_S 1.42 GiB 28.7926


Last Modified: 2024/03/17 14:53:15

is a collection of Papers I have written.
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